Lifestyle Blog


Hey readers! If you follow my blog you know that im on my way to MS to vacation to go see Chris. Again if this is your first time reading my posts Chris is in the Navy and we have a long distance relationship. There is a lot of hardships and struggles. All my military wives and girlfriends where you at?! You know what I’m talking about but I wouldn’t change it or him for the world. He has recently been upset because all I do is blog now lol. Oh well, get over it! (He will)  Haha he told...

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When everything gets away from you!!

Do y’all have these moments?! I really don’t want to be the only one, seriously. I get so frustrated and a lot of it has to do with living on my own, I think. . I can’t stand when my place is a mess! So why do I make it messy? I can’t stand to do laundry and fold and put away clothes! So why do I wash them? I can’t stand my pile up of dishes! Why do I keep them waiting for next year to roll around until I wash them? I can’t stand my bathroom and room...

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Meal Prep Tips That Actually Make Sense

    Okay so meal prepping. Something that everyone wants to accomplish but never actually follows through and does. Sorry, I’m just being honest. If that isn’t you disregard that, but the majority of us struggle with this including myself. I feel that it’s not necessary to meal prep every single week because who has time for that? But it is important! I find myself meal prepping when I’m low on cash, trying to save for vacations, trying to eat healthy, or just to do it for a week and follow through with something. It definitely builds up a confidence...

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MaskCara Beauty Review

MaskCara Beauty Review

Hey there, I am here to talk about makeup today. Another blogger I follow on Instagram @KatieRose4 inspired me to check out this brand. Wondering why I never post make up reviews or swatches or anything like that? I am one of those girls that has no idea what she’s doing in the makeup world lol, This product saved me. I really think I’m obsessed with how awesome and quick and easy it was to apply this makeup! MaskCara Beauty HAC (Highlight & Contour) I know you were wondering, lol. Purchasing: Okay so I sent in a picture of my...

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A Wish List

A Wish List

Sunday silly post of the day. Okay bloggers…if you’re sort of new to blogging like me then you might relate. I only hope one day I have the money to spend on everything that is like $$$ but for now I’m going to post what I wish I could afford lol. Fun but heart-breaking at the same time. I definitely have my goals set to online shop and show outfit posts one of these days. Here is my WISH list. Since this big Nordstrom SALE is going live soon I might get something. Okay kidding, I will. Can I really help...

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