Okay so, trying to eat healthy like everyone else and I came across these little gems! It’s not time consuming and you get the perfect side to a lunch or dinner! And it’s healthy!! So I should have made more cause I scarfed these down lol but I wanted more! Anyways here is a simple yummy recipe!
I used the small microwave sweet potatoes because I didn’t want to run to the store but if you are feeding two I would use two large sweet potatoes. Skin them and cut them. Make sure you have a sharp knife!
Cut them in “fry form” like I did here. Be careful these suckers are tough to cut. I put the point of my knife all the way down and it seemed to help. This is what I used on them
2 tbsp of the best olive oil you have
A dash of paprika
Salt and pepper
Mix in your ingredients and then drizzle it over the fries. Once your fries are tossed in the mixture lay them out on a pan and make sure they are spaced out it helps them cook and get crunchy! Also you don’t want your fries to be soggy with the mixture just lightly tossed. Bake at 450° and put them in the oven for 10 minutes. Then shake them around and put them in for another 5 minutes. They should sizzle! Mmmmm
And your DONE! Best fry ever! Girls, even your men will love them. Mine did You can use a dipping sauce like sriracha and mayo or ketchup. I used BBQ!
I hope you take me up on this and make these! Thanks for reading! Xoxoxo Cas.