Because I’m happy🎵
Hi there. My caption will not match my mood honestly at all today, but I’ve noticed a difference in myself for a while now and I never ever want it to go away! I am HAPPY. Well…besides the fact I have had the horrible cold flu for two days, that hasn’t been fun:( but even in the midst of all that blahhh stuff I wanted to write on a positive note. Always being happy is not something that is easily done. You have to find happiness in every day and sometimes that can take time, but because I’ve been having fun in life and happy it inspired me to share things with you that I find make me happy and change my mood on a day to day basis. It’s not about always having all of these but each one definitely is a mood booster!
- Going shopping
- Great hair days
- No traffic
- Cooking homemade meals
- Blogging
- Seeing my friends excel
- Being busy at work
- Being told I’m doing a good job
- My boyfriends good morning texts
- Catching up with friends and family on the phone
- The ideal parking spot
- Being on time
- Getting invited to hangout with friends
- Tanning by the pool
- Days where I actually know what I’m doing with my makeup look
- When I have things figured out
- Receiving compliments from anyone
- Animated movies
- A fridge full of healthy foods and snacks
- Full tank of gas
- My favorite song on the radio
- Candles
- Being a manager to awesome employees
- A clean organized bathroom
- A charged phone when I lay down for bed
- Having a skin care routine
- Working out in the mornings
- Smoothie King
- Road trips
- Sitting on the beach
- Anything that involves peanut butter
- Fuzzy socks
- Making new friends
I’m sure I could think of a lot more! There are so many awesome happy things going on in this world we live in, and I’m so thankful for everything! I encourage you to think positive today and appreciate the little things.
What day to day things make you happy? I’d love to read y’alls replies. This post was short and not entirely thought out but I thought it was a good uplifting idea.
Thanks for reading. xoxoxo Cas.
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