What’s on my Christmas List 2017

Tis the season. Only 12 days, 11 hours, 2 minutes, and 9, 8, 7, 6 seconds till Christmas! Can you believe it?! I am over the moon about Christmas coming up. It can be a tad bit or A LOT bit stressful and I’ve noticed a lot more impatient people on the roads traveling but everyone is trying to get somewhere right.. lol. I’ve taught myself to just breathe and turn the radio up a little louder. I know this can be a very stressful holiday for most and I’m going to be very cliche right now but the real meaning of Christmas is Jesus. He is the reason for the season and we shouldn’t forget that or put that in the back of our minds. Every year (and I’m only speaking my opinion and what it was like for me) my family and I would go ALL out buying one another everything we could get our hands on, but realized after a few years of doing it this way that it just wasn’t necessary. We would spend hours opening presents and it almost got tiring and turned us a little spoiled. (I’m sure I sound this way a bit right now and I’m sorry if I come off that way at all) Eventually we would lose, forget, or just not care about those gifts because something new and exciting was out that isn’t what we got. I think it will always be this way….sadly.

So that’s why this year I’m definitely going more practical. Maybe it’s just a sign of growing up..because I have no idea what is on my fourteen year old sisters list lol, but I know what I want/need. My Christmas list has been made up and sent to Santa Claus 😉 



My top picks (1)

  1. Short Cozy Robe VS

2. Slippers

3.  Socks Any fuzzy socks are perfect 🙂

4. Perfume

5. Boots

6. Jacket

7. Tennis Shoes

8. Hair Dryer

9. Curtains

What are you asking for this Christmas? Let me know in the comments. Also anything similar you see on my list your asking for or anything that you want  now that you saw my list? Let me know !!

xoxoxo, Cas. Blogging in Asheville.

Follow me on cassiemorganblogs

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