No time like NOW {C&K boutique}
Hey readers,
So just yesterday night I announced I was in progress starting up an online boutique!
Even more exciting than that I have someone/s jumping on board with me!! A while ago I posted about my roommate and how I was just so happy to finally have a roommate and not be alone after work, someone to cook dinners with, someone to talk to about anything, get the picture. If you don’t remember that post here it is. The blog post I was talking about
Well y’all Kylie has been just that. She is legit the best roommate. We are thinking about signing another lease because we just get a long so well. I swear we haven’t had one argument and we have been living together now for 6 months almost. I hope I’m not losing ideas in my head can just go on and on and on but let me get to the big picture I’m trying to shout out…Kylie and I will be starting up the shop together! The name is in the title! C&K boutique. Do you like??
We plan on finding only the best clothing that speaks to us and hopefully will speak to you as well. We (and I do speak for both of us) love fashion and making people happy. It truly makes my day when I make someone’s day. I’m sure that is very cliche but it’s so true! I can’t wait to show you what we got!! This online boutique is going to rock! To help us get started in the right direction please go to the link below and fill out our survey with your honest opinions.
Also, Follow our new Instagram page. —-> CK Boutique
ALSO readers !! This does NOT mean I am done blogging. Blogging is my passion and I plan on integrating my blog with the boutique. Being a business woman and having an online boutique is also my passion. Stay tuned for clothing on our Instagram/website page Spring 2018. Haven’t thought of the date exactly but sometime March!! We have a ton of other awesome ideas that I don’t want to spoil yet, but I guarantee you will love them! These are beginning stages and I am talking about this way ahead of myself but what better time than NOW (going with my blog post title here, lol). I just wanted to get the word out there. Our 300th follower on Instagram is in for a special treat, just sayin’. So go follow and stay tuned,